Introduction and Disclaimer:

I once took a class from a very great theologian on Public Theology.  Nice name, eh? "Public Theology" It sounds like one ought to be arrested for it.  In a lot of cases that is very true.  It also sounds like something involving your fly, which if you are an allegorical type, is absolutely true.  

I had to work to produce these.  I am more a social than political critic but what I learned is that most political commentators are the Johanna Woodiwiss' of their fields: formulaic, trite and predictable.  And we read them for the same reason that we read genre fiction: because we want to shut off our brains and feel good about what we already believe.  

If it seems like I have no respect for Public Theology it is because i do not.  We do not minister to the public when we tell them what we want to hear, they are not nourished by pablum.  Christ asked his followers if what he preached scandalized them (John 6:61) and when they said Yes he said GOOD.  

Did you know, my faithful friends, that the words "Hocus pocus" emerge from ancient Latin liturgy that was incomprehensible to the common man (hoc es corpus meum).  That is Public Theology" hocus pocus, an attempt to manipulate or spin the Word for our brothers and sisters in Christ  And that, clearly, is wrong.

Does what I say scandalize you?  GOOD. Reexamine your position.  Can you defend it with the love of Christ?  If you agree with my position, excellent, if you do not, excellent as well, just be guided by Love, not human carnal love, not love of something, but divine Love, the Force, the Spirit, the energy and unites you with me and with everyone else.  Let that be your motivating force and and you cannot be wrong.